top of page

Style guide - delete section from your page size

Page title

Section title


Large paragraph

Medium paragraph

Standard paragraph

Content page alignment

 size 40 in CocoGoose pro Letterpress

 size 32 in CocoGoose pro Letterpress

 size 22 in CocoGoose pro Letterpress

 size 18 in CocoGoose pro semi-light - use this for singl sentencess for emphasis

 size 14 in CocoGoose pro semi-light - use this where paragraphs are relatively short

 size 12 in CocoGoose pro semi-light - use this where there is a large block of text

buttons usually 120 wide x 36 high, corners are rounded by 8 pixels in the 'design' > 'customise design' menu.. buttons can be wider depending on the text.
text within a button is size 12, cocogoose pro semi-light

< most content is aligned between these two vertical lines at 78 & 902 on the ruler >

< Page titles and some section headings can be aligned left here

Main Page Title size 40 cocogoose letterpress

Text boxes auto-adjust getting bigger to accomodate more or bigger text.

The section or banner will also auto-adjust to allow this changes, so keep an eye out for this and try to keep the sections and banners to 360 pixels high

Rounded colour blocks are 340 pixels high centred within sections on site that are 360 pixels high

Our Pedegogy

Our approach to teaching and learning starts with our mission to build brighter futures for every child.

Our approach is inspired by research about how children learn and develop. We use 'Learning Stories to celebrate and share children's experiences.


small images are cropped at 240 x 240 pixels

these content strips are 200 pixels high

Quicks links - small vers

Use quick links to quick jump to specific section on the current page.

To do this you'll need to name each section on the page by double clicking here

Once this is done open the format text  window for the text you want the link to be from, and choose "section or anchor" in the menu.  then select the section you want it  to jump to

Quick Links - large vers

these content strips are 200 pixels high

these content strips are 200 pixels high

sub-title block, or section heading

these content strips can also be 100 pixels high

sub-title block, or section heading

Rounded colour blocks are 340 pixels high centred within sections on site that are 360 pixels high

Our Pedegogy

Our approach to teaching and learning starts with our mission to build brighter futures for every child.

Our approach is inspired by research about how children learn and develop. We use 'Learning Stories to celebrate and share children's experiences.


small images are cropped at 240 x 240 pixels

Rounded colour blocks are 340 pixels high centred within sections on site that are 360 pixels high

size 32 cocogoose letterpress

And text to go along with the subject matter

size 14 cocogoose regular


small images are cropped at 240 x 240 pixels


Family Support



Type a brief description relating to the heading here - sz 14 semi-light



Type a brief description relating to the heading here - sz 14 semi-light



Type a brief description relating to the heading here - sz 14 semi-light


Type a description relating to the heading



Type a description relating to the heading



bottom of page