Gift Aid
What is Gift Aid and how can it mean more money for our charity?
If you pay UK tax and you would like to Gift Aid your donation, we can claim an additional 25% of the value of your donation from the HMRC, it won't cost you a penny but means your donation can reach even further
Please note that the money that The Lloyd Park Children's Charity claims back from HMRC as part of the Gift Aid scheme will be treated as unrestricted funds and used to support our general work, even if the original donation was made towards a specific appeal
If you make a personal donation to The Lloyd Park Children's Charity, you will be asked to declare whether you would like us to claim Gift Aid
This will be either by:
Ticking the Gift Aid box on the donation page online
Saying ‘yes' to the Gift Aid question whilst donating via the phone
Asking your sponsors to tick the Gift Aid box on your sponsorship form
If you’re making a personal donation please give your full name and home address and tick the box or we can’t claim Gift Aid
To say ‘Yes’ to Gift Aid, you must be a UK taxpayer and understand that if you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of your donations it is your responsibility to pay any difference
What if I am a higher rate tax payer?
The charity reclaims the tax on your donation only at the basic rate, even if you are a higher rate taxpayer. If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you can claim the difference between the higher rate of tax and the current basic rate of tax of 20% on your Self-Assessment return
Can I withdraw a declaration?
You can cancel the declaration at any time by notifying us either via phone on 020 8527 1737,
by email to info@tlpcc.org.uk, or in writing to:
Finance Dept, Higham Hill Centre, 313 Billet Road, London, E17 5PX
Please note that the cancellation of your Gift Aid will come into place from the date of the update, any donations made before this may still be Gift Aided
Where can I can further infromation on Gift Aid?
For further information about Gift Aid,
please see the HM Revenue & Customs website (opens in new window)
or the Chartered Institute of Fundraising (opens in new window)
Alternatively, contact your local Tax Office.