
Weekly Term-time Activities
Most sessions are drop-ins, please arrive early to avoid disappointment.
(excluding 'Musical Climbers & Creators' and 'Rainbow Group' which must be booked)
You can also view all activities and book those that require a reservation here:
Discretionary discounts for those on low income or benefits available for all sessions. e-mail us for more information - lpc@tlpcc.org.uk
Activity Details
Fun Fridays @ Grow Wild
Outdoors adventure play session for under 5s to celebrate the end of the week and blow off some steam
Grow Wild
Outdoors adventure play session for under 5s.
Grow Active - under 5s or 5-9yrs
Tuesdays 2:15-3:15 under 5s and 3:45-4:45 5-9yrs
Wednesday 2:15-3:15 under 5s
Our Grow Active Projects funded by London Marathon Foundation offers unique opportunities for children to be active and build their physical confidence in our amazing outdoors adventure space.
Family Grow Wild
(1st Saturday of the month)
A group where whole families, including children up to the age of 9yrs, can enjoy time together in our amazing ourdoors adventure play space
Rainbow Group
(2nd Saturday of the month)
A group for LGBTQ+ families where parent/carers
and thier children can enjoy outdoors adventure play time in a safe, welcoming space
Forever Families
(2nd Saturday of the month)
Our group for children with adoptive families up to age 9 yrs old coming together to create peer networks and overcome trauma and adversity through using our safe outdoors play environment
Dad's Club
(last Saturday of the month)
Our group for all the men in our children's lives, Dad's brothers, uncles and grandads. Helps create peer networks whilst enjoying our safe, green outdoors space
Somewhere to Belong - Families
(3rd Sunday of the month)
A group for children with SEND up to the age of 9yrs where they can be themselves and find confidence to explore the ourdoors in a safe nurturting space