Fees and Funding
Early Education Entitlement
The Early Education Entitlement is a central government scheme, which provides free childcare until a child starts reception class or, reaches compulsory school age (if later).
The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity offers the following
All FEEE Funding is based on 38 weeks per year either for 15hrs or 30hrs. The Charity currently offers stretched hours of 50weeks if parents are receiving all year Daycare. These hours will be stretched by the following:
15 hours FEEE x 38weeks = 570hrs/ 50weeks = 11.4hrs per week for 50weeks
30 hours FEEE x 38weeks = 1140hrs/ 50weeks = 22.8hrs per week for 50weeks
(The entitlement is stretched by 50 weeks per year as we are closed over the December Holidays).
Additional Service Charge
The Additional Service Charge is charged when FEEE Hrs are applied in full or in part against child’s attendance. This charge is for Breakfast, Lunch, Tea, Mid-Morning & Mid-Afternoon Snacks including Hot Meals, Food & Drinks.
The Additional Service Charge is applied as follows and No Discount is applicable to it:
Full Day £10.64 per day for each 10hrs FEEE applied
Breakfast £2.91 per day where part FEEE hrs applied (2.8hrs)
AM £9.74 per day for each 5.5hrs FEEE applied
No Additional Service Charge applies to those sessions where the FEEE hrs are used in full over 38wks (Term Time Contract):
Monday to Friday 9am to 12pm (3hrs per day)
9am to 3pm (6hrs per day)
The Average Monthly Fee is based upon the weekly fee multiplied by 50wks / 12 equal monthly instalments.
Our Childcare Fees
Children under 3yrs (whole-year contract)

Children 3-4yrs (whole-year contract)

Additional charges and other fees/charges
Additional service charge
We apply an additional daily service charge for items such as hot food, snacks and drinks on those days where the FEEE is applied. No discount is applied to this charge.
30hr Sessional
We do not charge a service charge for 2yr FEEE Funded Contracts and tea time club.
Registration Fee
We charge a registration fee of £22.40 for Day Care and tea time club contracts.
Late collection Fee
Our late collection charges are displayed in our settings.
Administration Fee (after end of contract)
If an over payment is made via standing order, a £11.20 fee is charged.
If a Tax Free Childcare payment/ voucher is received at the end of your contract, a 20% fee is charged.
Sibling Discount
Our sibling discount is applied to the older siblings account.
It is only applied to childcare hours purchased and not to other items such as the 'Additional Service Charge' for those children in receipt of the 'Free Early Education Entitlement'.
Under 3's:
3 to 5's:
Mixed Ages:
Other Information
Prices are based upon a minimum attendance of 3 days per week which must include a Monday and/ or Friday.
The fees are quoted before deduction of the Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE).
If you would like to purchase extra sessions we charge the following hourly rates:
Under 3's:
3 to 5's:
Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE)
FEEE for 2yr olds
Some 2 year olds are entitled to free early education from the term after they are 2 years old.
This entitlement equates to 15 hours per week spread over 38 weeks (570 hours per annum) when taken during school term time. These hours are provided free of charge.
From September 2024 all eligible 2 year olds will receive 15 hrs free.
Check eligibility criteria and apply for your eligibility code here.
FEEE for 3-4yr olds
All 3 year olds are entitled to 570 hours of free early education per annum from the term after they are 3 years old.
This can either be taken 15 hours per week spread over 38 weeks, when taken during school term time,
or 11 hours per week when spread over 52 weeks per annum.
We offer both options at our settings, please see full details of the options below.
These hours are provided free of charge.
Hours or services that you wish to purchase that are above the free entitlement such as nursery meals, extra hours or extra-curricular activities are charged for.
30hr extended entitlement for working families
You may be entitled to the extended entitlement for working families. This can either be taken 30 hours per week spread over 38 weeks, when taken during school term time or 22 hours per week when spread over the 52 weeks per annum
We offer both options at our settings
These hours are provided free of charge
Please obtain your code for this extended entitlement as we need this before a place can be offered
Use the following link to check your eligibility and find out more information
You will be charged/invoiced for any hours or services that you wish to purchase that are above the free entitlement
Other Funding
Pupil Premium
We can get up to £353 per year to spend directly on supporting your child’s education which makes a big difference!
Please speak to staff at your setting to find out whether you are eligible
Early Years settings can access additional funding to support children with learning and developmental delay and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
This includes Disability Access Fund (DAF), SEND Inclusion Fund (SENIF)
and Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
Links to London Borough of Waltham Forest's 'Early Years SEND Funding' webpage