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Our action group  promoting sustainability in Waltham Forest

Working towards a greener future

Led by one of our dedicatd trustees our 'eco' action group is making the postive changes urgently needed to safeguard the planet for our children

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A history of being green

Our charity has awlays taken it's repsonibilities to be more sustainable very seriously and we've tried to lead by example wherever possible.

Crushed Plastic Bottles_edited.jpg

Green History

A few ways that our charity has tried to be more eco-friendly wherever possible over the years:


  • Purchased high quality toys and equipment designed to last

  • Re-use of recyclable materials in our arts and crafts activities

  • A good balance of vegetarian and plant based foods included on our menus

  • Conserving energy by turning off lighting and devices when not in use

  • Using water coolers to reduce plastic bottle use

  • Appointing a dedicated, trustee-led, sustainability subgroup to drive our sustainability work and provide good governance.

    • This group has been re-brand as 'ecO' to allow us to promote our work more easily.​

2023 Eco-Audit

Identified need for improvement

applied for funding to have eco-audit


Auditors worked with our team to perform and in-depth asessement

Separating Waste

Responding to our eco-audit

Actions we've already taken within our charity


  • food

  • water

  • energy

  • finance

  • waste

  • nappies

Working with our community to address
the climate crisis

Planet Made of Plastic

Working together

Acting in parntership with our community 


  • food

  • water

  • energy

  • finance

  • waste

  • nappies

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